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Apprendre l'anglais, l'allemand et l'espagnol

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Quiz de rentrée

Révisez votre anglais en répondant à ces questions de vocabulaire et de grammaire.

1. Comment dit-on "trimestre" scolaire en anglais ?
2. Un remplaçant se dit "a ... teacher"
3. In most European countries, education is … until the age of 16
4. In my school, the … never changes. We always have sport lessons on Wednesday afternoons
5. By 10pm tonight, I … (finish) my report
6. We have a big day at school tomorrow. You … stay up late!
7. That was a … answer
8. She answered ...
9. Unfortunately, all the students … very badly on the test
10. Where … on holiday?
11. Wake up, you … for 12 hours! Time for school!
12. Que veut dire "wage" en anglais ?
13. I was in the hospital for 4 days. I had to take a …
14. Comment dit-on "un stage" en anglais ?
15. After … all day long, I like to come home and watch a TV show!
16. On behalf … the entire company, I would like to welcome you to the team
17. I’m forwarding your request … our sales team
18. I have ... work than I had last month
19. We’ve had … accidents in our factory this year
20. Yesterday, Sam … a blue tie for the meeting
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